Have finally taken the plunge and bought a new all-singing all-dancing digital camera. My Fujifilm F700 still works fine but the battery no longer holds its charge for very long. So I have lashed out on a Panasonic DMC-Tz5 with a wide angle lens and a 10x zoom. Not actually sure what a 10x zoom means but it sounds impressive.
Oh dear, perhaps I should have gone for something simpler and more in keeping with my technical abilities...... The instruction book is 104 pages long! So far I have set the clock and the date and have taken a few tentative photos. But Section 9 is Useful Features for Travel including recording your travel date and destination and registering local time at your overseas destination. Do I really need this? Surely if I later see a photo of a sandy palm-fringed beach I will realise this is Thailand and not Coventry?
Anyway I refuse to be beaten by an inanimate object so I will gradually work my way through the instructions. But will I ever understand what DPOF PRINT, ASPECT CONV. or HI-SPEED BURST really mean?